How to: Twirl it

I've been getting a lot of compliments and questions regarding my twirled hair lately - and that's why I made this little tutorial-thingy. It's not a braid and it's not a pony-tail, but rather a twirled side-tail; if there is such a thing. If not; I'm hereby making it a thing! I'm really glad you like it; and even happier about the fact that you are telling me you like it! So, here it is: my very first tutorial-video! Oh, and please don't mock me for being afraid of the webcam - technical thingamajigs isn't my strong side.


  1. It's nice I like never thought that is how you did it. Thank you for sharing:)

  2. I thought it was like a super difficult thing to do, but it's not!!
    I'm going to use it in some shoot soon. CAn I right?

    Thanks for the tutorial. Kisses!

  3. Oh, and are you still using the barbro.cathrin email, cause I sent you an email and I just realized that you put another in your contact.

  4. Look at your sweet smile at the beginning of the video! :-)
    I also love when you do that top knot on your hair.

  5. Fantastic!
    You are too cute. And I am so going to try this :)

  6. Awww... Thanks for sharing, sweetie!!! <3 Loved it!!! Maybe I'll try it, even though with curly hair it gets hard...

  7. I really want see it, but I can't the photod didn't show on my pc :(

  8. Så fint!

    Jeg har giveaway på bloggen nå. Noe fint.
    Kanskje du vil delta? :)

  9. Anonymous6:24 PM

    so so cute lovely! god, i wish i had your thick hair, amazing! no need to be camera shy, looking so adorable, stylish girl! ;) xoxo

  10. Different but simple creations such as these are beauty at its best :)
    You are so precious!
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us! <3

  11. Thank you, thank you for the guide. I'm gonna twirl away now!

  12. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Hi Barbro! I'm sorry for the very late answere :P I'm really looking forward to the trip to Stocholm too, just hope that i can take some days off from work that weekend. But if so, it's going to be fun meeting you :D you have a VERY beautiful blog, i'm impressed! But i have one question... what country are you from? :) //Louise Stenström

  13. det er jo ikke rart, håret ditt er nydelig!

  14. Hei Barbro, jeg bare lurte på en ting; skal du på bloggfest på lørdag? :)

  15. Hello there,

    You're totally gorgeous. I've only seen you in pictures, this is the first time I see you 'moving' and you're totally pretty.


  16. Sv: Jeg bare lurte fordi jeg skal dit selv, og jeg er ikke så fan av å gå på fest alene liksom.. Tenkte at du sikkert var invitert, og at det hadde vært morsomt å treffe deg i så fall.

  17. Love this. Totally going to try it! Thanks for somehow finding my blog and my facebook!!

    Love your blog.
    xo Bronwyn


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