The perks of being a lesbian

Leather jacket - Object // My lovers turtleneck // Lace dress - Vintage via Shoppalu // Signet rings - Tom Wood // Minimalistic rings - Still With You // Shoes - Jeffrey Campbell

One of the very best things about having a girlfriend, or a boyfriend for that matter, is having that second closet as a back-up. Whenever I feel like torching my own clothes, which is quite often, I know I'll always be able to find something to wear in the next room. Today I'm recycling this comfy turtleneck sweater, which I wore in my previous post. It doesn't exactly hurt that it's 100% wool, since it's December and all that. Ida is of course very welcome to borrow stuff from me as well - and the proof is on her blog.

On a completely different note: If you haven't heard, I'm a semi-finalist in the Vixen Blog Awards. I've been nominated in two whole categories! If you feel like voting for me, I'd really appreciate it - of not; check out the other nominees! Links are up in the right side-bar. The competition is hard and I think just being nominated is an incredible honor. So thank you so much, you guys! I know you must have had something to do with it!

PS. You can vote once every twelve hours until December 31st!


  1. I love that vintage lace dress from Shoppalu - it's gorgeous, and I like the way you styled it. Congratulations on being a semi-finalist in the Vixen Blog Awards in two categories!

  2. Borrowing a girlfriend's clothes is probably a lot more fun than borrowing a boyfriend's, though I've done it before anyway haha.

    1. Haha, I think borrowing clothes in general is much more fun than our own closets! I wish I had a better relationship with my own clothes! ;)

  3. That sweater is amazing, I would steal it too! :)

    Oh, and you're in my 10 most beautiful fashion bloggers' hair list :D

    Voted, sweetie, go go go! <3

    My Fashion Insider

    1. Haha, I know, right! :D Finally bought my own, though, even though hers is so much better ;)

      Just saw your wonderful feature! Thank you so much for including me, I'm really honored you chose me! And all the other girls! Just gorgeous! <3

  4. love the sweater :)

  5. I love long hair ;)


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