A signet ring is a classic menswear piece, favored by kings of ancient times who used the embossed emblems on the rings to seal official documents.

This is too good news not to share on my blog, isn't it? It's the Tom Wood lookbook, which I awkwardly modeled for a few weeks ago. The result is fantastic and just beyond my wildest imagination. I couldn't be happier. So delicate and tasteful, and at the same time I really feel like I managed to express the emotions the photographer and the Tom Wood team was looking for. Even in my tighty whities!

You can of course see the full-size images here - on Tom Woods Facebook page. Or just visit their website, which I have completely fallen in love with. This isn't a product review of any kind; just true love for this new Norwegian jewelery designer - which in my opinion is bound to be a huge success.

Photographer: Sigve Aspelund/TinAgent // Styling:  Nathalie Helgerud via Me and My Brothers


  1. Replies
    1. You are too sweet! Thank you so, so much <3

  2. gorgeous.. <3 and you look pretty much the opposite of awkward ^_^


    1. Thank you so much, Sonja - I really appreciate that! <3

  3. this lookbook so awesome! You said you modeled awkwardly, but it doesn't show :)


    1. Thank you, Alyssa! I guess I just can't get used to being photographed my anyone else but my tripod :p

  4. Love these! The black and white, the emotions.. Uh! <3

    1. Thank you, sweetie!

      I need more practice in facial expressions. I feel it often just turns out the same, and I don't want to be that girl with just one face, you know? :P

  5. I'm....speechless.
    I'm proud, and happy, and overwhelmed, so many emotions Barbro.
    The pictures are gorgeous. The 2nd one, the last one, all of them.
    And you can really see what's going on, as you said, delicate and tasteful.
    Congratulations B!

    1. I'm really, really happy you like them, M! I just can't get over the fact that I actually got down to my underwear - if you know what I mean! ^^,

      Thank you so much for commenting <3

    2. I know what you mean. But you get in the mood, and suddenly the photographer looks like such a trustful person and...you end up in your panties.
      You look, as we will say here in chile, regia. Wich means, hot.

      Congratulations again my dear!
      Oh, and you say "I awkwardly modeled for"...well, let me say that this looks so natural on you. A model. FroM THE M, to the O-D-E-L.

    3. Haha, oh, the photographer was absolutely trustworthy and super professional! I just can see why girl can be fooled into doing even more - it's such a slippery slope! :)

      You are seriously just the best, M! <3

  6. You're the huge success...


    1. Oh, no, not at all! But I feel really lucky to have been a part of this :)

  7. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The moment I stumbled upon your blog I was like DAT HAIR. How do you maintain it? I'm jealous!

    1. Haha, that's awesome!

      Maintaining it isn't that hard! The hardest part is brushing it after wearing a scarf or sleeping! It gets all tangled up! I usually braid it before I jump into bed, though!

      Generally I just try not to use a lot of styling products. I'm super generous with conditioners after showering and I try not to wash it too often - like ever third day or so.

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM

    You're wonderfully poised in front of the camera, Barbro. Keep up the good work!

  9. Well done! (and Congratulations)



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